Corporate Philosophy

■Corporate Philosophy

We create our own future! We will remove preconceived notions and create new values!

They want to join a major company, do a job that is left to the company, do a good job there, and earn a stable salary.
In the Showa period, there were many people like that. However, times have changed and such jobs have become scarce.
Japan’s economy is still in a bad shape, and the declining birthrate and aging population have not slowed down. And yet, for some reason, taxes are being raised in a rapid succession.
To put it plainly, the future of Japan is bleak.

But, however!
We live in an age where IT has developed and people can start their own businesses.
We think and act on interesting ideas and create useful services for people!
And we create our own future!
No one will make our future for us. No one will make it for us.

We want to create jobs with our own hands and change the future! Our company is made up of employees who have such a desire.

Let’s break down the stereotypes and create new values and future with our own hands!

Corporate culture typical of a growing company

①A culture that welcomes challenges and encourages the development of the best employees.

A company where the stakes are high and the stakes are low.
A company that offers many opportunities for those who are willing to take the initiative to grow.

②A corporate culture that allows us to say what we want to say

『Think Straight, Talk Straight.』
A straightforward culture has taken root in which everyone, regardless of position or title, thinks things through and expresses his or her thoughts.

③A corporate culture with a generous education system

Generosity toward mid-career hires.
Training and study sessions are abundant, and supervisors and senior employees provide detailed guidance through work.
Although you may have a strong image of individualism, if you consult with us about any matter, we will respond with sincerity.

④A corporate culture with a good benefits program that is nice to have.


⑤A corporate culture where work and private life are fun

When you enjoy your work, you enjoy your private life.
If you enjoy your private life, you will also enjoy your work.
Our corporate culture is one of synergizing fun to enrich both work and private life.

⑥Eliminating Big Business Disease

I am not making fun of large companies or employees who work for large companies. I hear that it takes a long time to get a payment from a large company, and in Japan, it often takes five stamps to get a payment. There are too many inefficiencies.

We eliminate all inefficiencies and act with the motto, “Do what needs to be done, now.

■Far Beyond’s 21 Articles

①We challenge anyway without fear of failure.
In case of emergency, the supervisor will take responsibility. However, reporting, communication, consultation, and confirmation are necessary.

②Work is completed to the end.
A job that does not go all the way to the end is not a job. It is important not to give up.
You have to finish the job without any omissions. Finishing halfway is the worst thing you can do, both for the job and for yourself.

③We believe in the power of the Internet.
The Internet is the greatest invention of the 21st century. The future of the Internet is limitless.
Now all you need is a little energy and you can do anything.

④We don’t just look at immediate profit.
The gains before us certainly look tasty.
But many of them end quickly. Thinking ahead.

⑤Planning, arrangements, and time are the most important credits in a job.
No one will believe you if you act haphazardly. Plan ahead and be well-reasoned.
Trust is the most valuable thing in business. Even if you fail, do not lose credibility.

⑥Treat people with compassion and gratitude.
We treat our employees, clients, and business partners with gratitude.
Work, however, is ultimately a relationship between people.
If human relationships do not work well, work will not be carried out smoothly.

⑦Say what you need to say even if people don’t like it.
Work is not a hobby or a pastime. You should say what you need to say.
You cannot make money at the hobby level.

⑧Always study for your job and for your personal future.
This is not an era like the Showa Era, when a company takes care of you until you retire.
We must look two or three steps ahead and study hard so that we can improve our skills and not fall down.

⑨Always consider improvement ideas.
Do not be satisfied with doing the same thing.
There is always a plan for improvement.
Simply tracing the established way of doing things is the same as making no effort.
We need to challenge ourselves to go beyond what has already been evaluated.
Don’t see forcing change as a waste of time,
It is important to have an attitude of trying to create a tremendous one out of those 10.

⑩Have reasons for actions, words and deeds.
There is always a reason for things. Is there support for what you say or do?
Always have a reason that you can quickly turn around when asked.

⑪I don’t make excuses to myself.
When people let their guard down, they put themselves in their own frame of reference. They make excuses for themselves.
“I’m new,” “My position is like this,” etc.
The moment you put yourself in a box and think of excuses, your growth stops.
You will not be able to provide value that exceeds the expectations of the people you work with.
In work, “being reasonable is a sin.
You are not allowed to make excuses when things don’t go well, saying, “It’s just the way things are.
Do you want to end up in a life of making excuses? Can you make money doing that kind of work? Can you say you have done it?
The answer lies within yourself. Let’s ask ourselves.

⑫Who are your rivals?
Do not think in the narrow world of the company.
If you think in a narrow world, the level of your work will decline and both you and the company will deteriorate.
Think globally.
There may be rivals within the company, but there are stronger rivals outside the company.
The real rivals are those outside the company.
And having rivals allows for friendly competition and mutual growth.

⑬Being depressed won’t solve anything. We just have to move forward.
There are plenty of things that can go wrong with a job, and failure is not uncommon when you try.
However, it is not constructive to stay depressed or to be dragged down by failures.
It is important to think of solutions and try again.

⑭Have hobbies. Maintain self-discipline and stress management.
Working all the time does not make you more efficient at your job.
Hobbies often live on at work.
You should delve deeply into what interests you. It is also a good stress reliever.
You can’t do good work if you are stressed out.
You should use good methods to relieve stress every day. Using bad methods only leads to a vicious circle.
If you cannot manage your physical condition and self-control, you cannot manage your work.
Tobacco, alcohol, gambling, and sexual intercourse should be kept within the scope of self-management.

⑮Think about what the customer wants.
People often buy products and services for the excitement, i.e., the anticipation and future potential.
Of course, it is important to provide a service that is substantially worth the price,
If you can provide excitement, you will be a service of a higher rank.

⑯Be the one who receives the money, not the one who pays for it.
Of course you have to pay for what you need. It’s natural.
But just paying for something is just feeding it.
You have to create your own services and become a person who can make money.
When you receive a service, you need to think about why you are paying for it, why there is a demand for it, how it was created, what role it plays in society, etc. This will give you the ability to think.

When you do something good for someone, you do it for the next person.
You nurture others, and they in turn nurture the next person.
In this way, a virtuous cycle is created. We must do the same thing in business.
Think not only about yourself, but also about what you can do for others and society.
This will eventually come back to you.

⑱Eliminate old-age thinking.
The term “Mere Old Man” is a slang term used to describe older people who are unable to understand new values and culture, and who cling to old ways of thinking and behavior patterns from past eras.
They should not stick only to their own ideas and experiences, but flex their brains, adopt new things, and encourage the new generation to play an active role. This will create a virtuous cycle.
Do not act like an old man, sticking to your own ideas and not adopting new things or clinging to old ways of doing things.

⑲awareness of the parties concerned
If you work under the division of labor, it may be all right if you only do your own work.
But that is only part of the picture.
Work is not just about you, but many other things are well orchestrated.
It is not just one of the cogs in the wheel, but how the whole thing works and how it is structured.
It is not someone else’s business.
You will not grow if you think it’s someone else’s business and that it doesn’t matter.
If you think of it as your own business and become aware that you are involved in it, you will grow and your work will likely turn out well.
If you want to grow, be aware of what you are involved in.

⑳Independence consciousness.
Doing one’s job well in an organization is, of course, admirable and wonderful.
But what if you step out of the herd?
Will you be accepted by the world?
Are you not naive?
Of course, the company wants you to work hard and produce results in the company.
However, I want even just one person to become a businessperson who can make a difference in the world.
If a person is that capable, he or she should be able to make a greater contribution to the company.
The old values of working like a slave, bound to the company, no longer exist today.
We have entered an era in which each individual is highly capable of contributing to both himself/herself and the company and receiving compensation for his/her contribution.
To achieve this, we must have a sense of independence so that we can walk on our own.

㉑The obvious is not the norm.
Even if things are going well now and we are living happily, it is not actually the norm.
When people become accustomed to something, they tend to mistakenly believe that it is the norm.
Habituation is a terrible thing. Once you get used to something that is hard, you quickly forget about it.
We need to be prepared for emergencies and shortages to come, without taking for granted that things are normal now.
Let’s be thankful for our daily life and cherish it.