
Fur Beyond LLC (“Fur Beyond”) will handle your personal information (“Personal Information”) in accordance with the following policy (the “Policy”).

1.What is personal information?
In this policy, personal information means information collected by the Company, such as name, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, information on products purchased or services used, contents of questionnaires answered, contents of inquiries and repair requests, browsing history of the Company’s website, and other descriptions, which alone or in combination with such information may be used to identify individual customers. The information that can be used alone or in combination with such information to identify individual customers.
2.Acquisition of Personal Information
We will acquire personal information within an appropriate scope after informing you of the purpose of use of such information.
3.Purpose of use of personal information
We will not use personal information for any purposes other than those notified in advance or for any of the following purposes

  • Notices regarding products and services
  • Shipment of products and provision of services
  • Implementation of after-sales services related to products and services
  • Identity Verification
  • Campaigns, Events and Sales
  • Customer Analysis
  • Response to inquiries(This includes the recording and storage of responses to inquiries.)
  • Use in accordance with laws and regulations
4.Provision and disclosure of personal information to third parties
We will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases

  • (1)If the customer consents
  • (2)When providing or disclosing information in a manner that the customer cannot be identified
  • (3)When entrusting the handling of personal information to a company that has entered into an entrustment agreement with us that includes confidentiality regarding the handling of personal information, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use notified to the customer.
  • (4)When sharing personal information with a group company that has entered into a confidentiality agreement with us regarding the handling of personal information, within the scope of the purposes of use notified to the customer.
  • (5)When provided or disclosed in accordance with laws and regulations, etc.
5.Compliance with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, as well as guidelines set forth by government agencies and industry organizations.
6.Secure management of personal information
We will appropriately acquire, use, and provide personal information by establishing rules and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, appointing a personal information manager, and informing and educating directors, employees, temporary workers, and others. In addition, we shall strive to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and unauthorized access to personal information by taking appropriate safety measures for the personal information we have obtained.
7.Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Please contact the following e-mail address for inquiries, corrections, or any other questions regarding personal information. Far Beyond, LLC
Personal Information Inquiry Desk: Please contact us using the form.
※The Personal Information Inquiry Desk is a dedicated contact for inquiries regarding personal information. Please note that we are unable to respond to other inquiries.
※Customers under the age of 16 must obtain the consent of a parent or guardian before making any inquiries.※Please refrain from reprinting or secondary use of our replies, in whole or in part, as they are addressed to the individual customer.※We may not be able to respond to your inquiries, etc., if any of the following applies

  • If we are unable to confirm your identity
  • If the authority of representation cannot be verified when an application is submitted by a proxy
  • If the application documents are incomplete
  • If the requested information items are not personal information held by the Company
  • If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person concerned or a third party
  • If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business
  • Failure to pay fees(Only in the case of disclosure of personal information and notification of the purpose of use.)
  • If responding to the inquiry, etc. would violate laws and regulations, etc.

※Please note that application documents will not be returned.

8.Improvement or modification of this policy
We will strive to continuously improve this policy. We reserve the right to change this policy in response to changes in laws and regulations or other Company circumstances. privacy
Users can delete data from the application at any time using the Delete Account option. The account deletion option is available on the profile settings page. When an account is deleted, all data collected from the user is completely deleted.
Established in August 2012